An Uttar Pradesh man has been arrested for allegedly swindling Rs 10 lakh from the bank account of a Kochi-based businessman through an online fraud, police said on Saturday. The accused, identified as Dheeraj Giri, 28, was arrested by Kochi city police in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
The accused orchestrated the fraud by sending an APK (Android Package Kit) file disguised as an Aadhaar update request from a leading bank to the victim’s mobile phone, according to police.
When the victim clicked on the file, the accused gained access to the One-Time Password sent by the bank for transactions. Using this access, Giri allegedly siphoned off Rs 10 lakh through multiple transactions, police said.During the arrest, around 20 bank passbooks, several ATM and chequebooks, PAN and Aadhaar cards in various names, six high-end mobile phones, and several SIM cards from the accused’s possession were seized, police added.
It was also found that the accused had conducted several money transactions across various banks and owned a flat and luxury vehicles, police said.
Giri used the proceeds from his cyber scams to fund a lavish lifestyle. Further investigations revealed his involvement in similar high-value fraud cases in other states, police added.
The accused will be produced before the court, and further investigations are ongoing, police said.